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high ambient temperature中文是什么意思

用"high ambient temperature"造句"high ambient temperature"怎么读"high ambient temperature" in a sentence


  • 环境高气温


  • Heat stroke was induced by exposing animals to a high ambient temperature of 40
  • At high ambient temperatures , animals in the target zone get lost in the background scene
  • High ambient temperatures caused constant " nuisance tripping " of the circuit breakers
    这样,高温就易于使电器和仪表频繁产生“令人厌烦的停车故障” 。
  • Heat stroke is caused by one s inability to regulate body temperature through transpiration at high ambient temperatures
    5 . 7中暑当环境温度高,而人体无法籍出汗调节体温时,便会中暑。
  • Function : using the high volume water fog to reduce the high ambient temperature and the fire intensity to allow firefighting and rescue teams to approach safely
  • In summer , hikers are likely to set out amid high temperature . precautions must be taken to prevent heat strokes when taking hiking trips under high ambient temperature . hikers should take good rests during their journeys and ought not overexert their physical limits as this would lead to exhaustion
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